Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings

Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings

Ilektra Spandagou | Michelle L. Bonati | Cathy Little | David Evans

This book provides a highly informative yet concise overview of special education and inclusive education that serves as a valuable introduction to the field. Using a framework and relevant scenarios in inclusive educational settings to help readers develop a basic understanding of key concepts, it shares effective practices and engages readers in discussions on current research. Further, it highlights the commonalities between different levels of education and explores transitions across them.
The book addresses theory, policy, practice and research issues in special education and inclusive education from an Australian perspective, focusing on current developments in Australian educational settings and classrooms. It also examines international issues and developments while highlighting the unique characteristics of the Australian educational context. As such, it appeals to post-graduate students, pre-service teachers, teachers and other professionals in the area.



Ushbu darslikda, inson resurslarini boshqarishning asoslari, inson resurslarini boshqarish konsepsiyasining
shakllanishi va rivojlanishi, tashkilotning inson resurslariga bo'lgan ehtiyojini aniqlash, xodimlarni rag'batlantirish
va motivatsiyalash usullari, ish joyida xodimlarni kasbiy moslashtirishning shakllanish tizimlari, tashkilotda inson
resurslaridan foydalanishni tashkiliy boshqarish, tashkilotda inson resurslaridan foydalanishni rejalashtirish, inson
resurslaridan samarali foydalanishni hisoblash va boshharish, inson resurslarini sifat jihatidan boshqarish,
xodimlarni ishga yollash, foydalanish ёva ishdan bo'shatishni shartnomaviy tartibga solish, xodimlarni tanlash, joyjoyiga qo'yish va lavozimlarga biriktirish, inson resurslarini boshqarishning zamonaviy konsepsiyalarining asosiy
tamoyillari hamda mehnat sohasida ijtimoiy sherikchilik mexanizmlarining nazariy-amaliy tomonlarini o'rganish va
tadqiq etish masalalari yoritilgan.
Interaction Design

Interaction Design

Yvonne Rogers | Jennifer Preece | Helen Sharp

Welcome to the fifth edition of Interaction Design: beyond human-computer interaction and our interactive website at Building on the success of the previous editions, we have substantially updated and streamlined the material in this book to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fast-growing and multi-disciplinary field of interaction design. Rather than let the book expand, however, we have again made a conscious effort to keep it at the same size.
      Our textbook is aimed at both professionals who want to find out more about interaction design and students from a range of backgrounds studying introductory classes in human-computer interaction, interaction design, information and communications technology, web design, software engineering, digital media, information systems, and information studies. It will appeal to practitioners, designers, and researchers who want to discover what is new in the field or to learn about a specific design approach, method, interface, or topic. It is also written to appeal to a general audience interested in design and technology.
International Business Law

International Business Law

Ray August | Don Mayer | Michael Bixby

This textbook is designed for business majors or programs in related disciplines and business people whose work relates to international business. The subject matter examined would be appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate courses in colleges of business, as well as professional development and executive education programs. This text gives students from many cultures and traditions a good look at the overall structure of the global "legal environment" in which business operates today. It should also prove useful for business people and legal practitioners who need an effective overview of nation-to-nation relations, multinational enterprises, dispute settlement across national borders, and rules for global trade in goods and services. Special treatment is given to global legal issues in intellectual property, foreign investment, money and banking, sales, transportation, and financing.


Indira Carr

In today's globalised world, an understanding of international trade is essential for those studying and practising law, business, banking and finance. International Trade Law offers a comprehensive and informed analysis of the complexities of an international sale transaction through case law, policy documents, legislation, international conventions and rules adopted by international organisations such as the ICC. Focusing on international sales of goods and the various contractual relations that arise as a result of the sale transaction, this book considers and discusses:
• Standard trade terms, the Convention on International Sales of Goods 1980 and the UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts 2004;
• Issues relating to E-Commerce including electronic transport documents, especially electronic bills of lading;
• International transportation of cargo, both unimodal (sea, air, land and rail) and multimodal, the various conventions affecting such transportation and the proposed new convention drafted by the UNCITRAL and CMI;
• Insurance and payment mechanisms, in particular letters of credit and the recently adopted UCP 600;
• Dispute resolution including issues of jurisdiction, applicable law, arbitration and mediation;
• Corruption as a major challenge to conducting business and the various anticorruption conventions, in particular the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention 1997 and the UN Convention Against Corruption 2003.
Accessible to students encountering this often challenging area of the law for the first time, International Trade Law clarifies a range of topics through tables and diagrams, and directs the reader to relevant further reading, online resources, and journal articles throughout.
Introduction to Banking

Introduction to Banking

Claudia Girardone | Barbara Casu | Philip Molyneux

The aim of this textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to theoretical and applied issues relating to the global banking industry. Despite the fears of Henry Ford, we do not think reading this book will cause a revolution, but we do hope it will at least provide you with an enjoyable and interesting insight into the business of banking.
Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Eva L. Essa

INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, 6/E, provides a comprehensive overview of early childhood education that is solidly based on current research and theories. Grounded in constructivist theory but also covering other perspectives, the text focuses on developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, early elementary schoolchildren, and children with disabilities. The majority of the text examines curriculum and the fostering of creativity, as well as physical, cognitive, language, and social development--and every facet of early childhood education is examined and explained. This edition also has been extensively revised and includes new standards and accountability in the field of early childhood education, a new emphasis on working with children from diverse backgrounds, and discussions of the role of families and forms of parent communication. With a strong emphasis on DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) along with completely updated references, examples from practitioners, and new video offerings, this book has become the most comprehensive resource available.
Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika

Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika

G. S. Xujaniyozova | A. R. Xashimov | Sh. Sh. Babadjanova

Ushbu darslik iqtisodiyot ta'lim yo'nalishida tahsil olayotgan bakalavrlar uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, "Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika" fan dasturiga moslashtirib yozilgan. Darslikda chiziqli algebra, analitik geometriya, matematik tahlil, oddiy differensial tenglamalar va qatorlar nazariyasiga doir materiallar keltirilgan. Bu darslikka kirilgan materiallar ma'lum bir doiradagi iqtisodiy muammolarning matematik modellarini tuzish hamda ularning optimal yechimini topishda yordam beradi. Darslik talabalarning fan bo'yicha nazariy bilimlarini chuqurlashtirishga, ma'ruza darslarida berilgan tushunchalarni kengroq bilib olishiga yordam beradi. Darslikka mavzular bo'yicha nazorat ish variantlari kiritilgan.
Darslik iqtisod ta'lim yo'nalishidagi bakalavriat uchun moʻljallangan ta'lim standartlari va oʻquv rejasi talablariga javob beradi.
Iqtisodiyotda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari va tizimlari

Iqtisodiyotda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari va tizimlari

D.P. Xashimova | N.X. Shoaxmedova | I.M. Abdullayeva

Darslik "Iqtisodiyotda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari va tizimlari" fani dasturiga muvofiq tayyorlangan bo'lib, u milliy iqtisodiyotning turli sohalari va yo`nalishlarida ishlatiladigan axborot tizimlari va texnologiyalarini asosiy tarkibiy qismlariga bag'ishlangan. Asosiy e'tibor axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarining tasniflanishiga, texnik vositalar va ularning rivojlanib borish tendensiyalariga, dasturiy ta'minotiga va turli operatsion tizimlarga, matn va jadval axborotlarini qayta ishlashga, taqdimotlarni tayyorlash texnologiyasiga, ma`lumotlarni tarmoqli qayta ishlashga, algoritm tushunchasiga, dasturlash tillari yordamida dasturlarni ishlab chiqishga, axborot tizimlari va uning tarkibiy qismlariga, menejment, statistika, soliq, buxgalteriya, bank tizimi, kadrlarni boshqarishdagi axborot tizimlari tushunchasiga, iqtisodiy tizimlarida axborotlarni himoyalashga qaratilgan, u umum iqtisodiy yo'nalishlarining "Iqtisodiyotda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari va tizimlari" fanidan darslik sifatida tavsiya etiladi.
Jahon iqtisodiyoti va xalqaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar

Jahon iqtisodiyoti va xalqaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar

A.V. Vahabov | Sh.X. Xajibakiyeva | D.A. Tadjibayeva

Darslikda «Jahon iqtisodiyoti va xalqaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar>> fanining muhim masalalari, o'qitishning interfaol va zamonaviy pedagogik uslublariga asoslangan holda qisqa va tushunarli tilda bayon etilgan. Darslikda jahon iqtisodiyotining negizi hisoblangan xalqaro mehnat taqsimoti, jahon xo'jalik tizimining vujudga kelishi, rivojlanish bosqichlari, iqtisodiy qonuniyatlari, iqtisodiy markazlari, makroiqtiso- diy rivojlanish modellari tahlil qilingan. Xalqaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar asoslari, xalqaro savdo, ishlab chiqarish omillarining xalqaro harakati, xalqaro valyuta-kredit va moliya munosabatlari va xalqaro iqtisodiy integratsiyaning nazariy va amaliy masalalarining mohiyati ochib berilgan. Ushbu darslik oliy o'quv yurtlarining iqtisodiyot yo'nalishida o'qiyotgan bakalavr, magistrantlariga, katta ilmiy xodim, mustaqil tadqiqotchilar, professor-o'qituvchilar va jahon iqtisodiyoti va xalqaro iqtisodiy munosabatlar bilan qiziquvchilarga mo'ljallangan.
Jismoniy shaxslarni soliqqa tortish

Jismoniy shaxslarni soliqqa tortish

Muhlisa Usmanova | Akram Amanov | Abdug‘affor Jo‘rayev | Sherzod Qiyosov

Mazkur darslikda ―Jismoniy shaxslarni soliqqa tortish‖ fanining predmeti, maqsadi va vazifalari, jismoniy shaxslardan undiriladigan soliqlar va unga tenglashtirilgan to'lovlar tarkibi, jismoniy shaxslar to'laydigan har bir soliq turini hisoblash va to'lash tartibi, davlat soliq xizmati organlarining vakolatlari va vazifalari kabi masalalar keng yoritib berilgan