

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Книга представляет собой обширный справочник, содержащий описание практи- чески всех используемых в настоящее время сетевых протоколов и технологий. В книге рассмотрен широкий спектр вопросов межсетевого взаимодействия, включая протоколы локальных сетей, технологии распределенных сетей, мостовые и комму- тируемые соединения, а также управление сетями. В ней также описаны разрабаты ваемые в настоящее время протоколы и сетевые технологии. Приведена информация о последних разработках корпорации Cisco в сфере обеспечения безопасности сетей, их масштабируемости и повышения скорости передачи, а также о сетях хранения данных и об оптических сетях.
Книга предназначена для специалистов по сетевым технологиям.
Academic Writing

Academic Writing

Stephen Bailey

Most international students need to write essays and reports for exams and coursework. Yet writing good academic English is one of the most demanding tasks students face. This new edition of Academic Writing has been fully revised to help students reach this goal. Clearly organised, the course explains the writing process from start to finish. Each stage is demonstrated and practised, from selecting suitable sources, reading, notemaking and planning through to re-writing and proof-reading.
Advanced Macroeconomics

Advanced Macroeconomics

David Romer

The fifth edition of Romer's Advanced Macroeconomics continues its tradition as the standard text and the starting point for graduate macroeconomics courses and helps lay the groundwork for students to begin doing research in macroeconomics and monetary economics. Romer presents the major theories concerning the central questions of macroeconomics. The theoretical analysis is supplemented by examples of relevant empirical work, illustrating the ways that theories can be applied and tested. In areas ranging from economic growth and short-run fluctuations to the natural rate of unemployment and monetary policy, formal models are used to present and analyze key ideas and issues.
The book has been extensively revised to incorporate important new topics and new research, eliminate inessential material, and further improve the presentation.
Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology

Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology

Paula Brough

This is the first comprehensive guide to the range of research methods available to applied psychologists. Ideally suited to students and researchers alike, and covering both quantitative and qualitative techniques, the book takes readers on a journey from research design to final reporting.
The book is divided into four sections, with chapters written by leading international researchers working in a range of applied settings:
  • Getting Started
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Research Dissemination
With coverage of sampling and ethical issues, and chapters on everything from experimental and quasi-experimental designs to longitudinal data collection and focus groups, the book provides a concise overview not only of the options available for applied research, but also of how to make sense of the data produced. It includes chapters on organizational interventions and the use of digital technologies, and concludes with chapters on how to publish your research, whether it's a thesis, journal article or organisational report.
This is a must-have book for anyone conducting psychological research in an applied setting.
Applied Corporate Finance

Applied Corporate Finance

Aswath Damodaran

This book was written originally to fulfill a need that conventional corporate finance books were not filling - to provide practical and succinct advice on how to do corporate finance rather than debate theory. It was intended for both practitioners who have little patience for extended discourses on models and assumptions and for instructors/students who wanted to focus on applying corporate finance to real companies.
The book tells a story, which essentially summarizes the corporate finance view of the world. It classifies all decisions made by any business into three groups—decisions on where to invest the resources or funds that the business has raised, either internally or externally (the investment decision), decisions on where and how to raise funds to finance these investments (the financing decision) and decisions on how much and in what form to return funds back to the owners (dividend decision).
Art and Creative Development for Young Children

Art and Creative Development for Young Children

J. Englebright Fox | Robert Schirrmacher

Written for pre-service and in-service early childhood professionals in child care, preschool, or kindergarten through third grade settings, ART & CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, 8th Edition, takes a child-centered approach to art education. Updated throughout, the book includes an in-depth discussion of technology to aid teachers in understanding the role that technology can play in children's visual art appreciation and production. Guidelines for establishing an inclusive art program in classrooms for young children are included for early childhood professionals. Activities and recipes make the text a valuable resource for in-service teachers.
Child Growth and Development

Child Growth and Development

Antoinette Ricardo | Alexa Johnson | Dawn Rymond | Jennifer Paris

Welcome to Child Growth and Development. This text is a presentation of how and why children grow/ develop/ and learn. We will look at how we change physically over time from conception through adolescence. We examine cognitive change/ or how our ability to think and remember changes over the first 20 years or so of life. And we will look at how our emotions/ psychological state/ and social relationships change throughout childhood and adolescence. This book is also available as an adaptable Word file.
Children's Mathematics

Children's Mathematics

Maulfry Worthington | Elizabeth Carruthers

′In Case Study 5 (a grassroots ′Children′s Mathematics Network group′) the initiative supported the participants in their professional change by giving them a space for the detailed and joint consideration of children′s mathematical thinking. Another significant feature of this initiative is its focus on careful consideration and analysis of children′s mathematics, and the ways in which professionals can support and encourage the children′s mathematical thinking and reasoning… The standard of the mathematical understanding, thinking and reasoning that the displays revealed was far higher than the specified curriculum objectives for children of this age…′ - Researching Effective CPD in Mathematics Education (RECME) project: (NCETM, 2009)
Computer Organization and Architecture

Computer Organization and Architecture

William Stallings

For graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering.
Computer Organization and Architectureis a comprehensive coverage of the entire field of computer design updated with the most recent research and innovations in computer structure and function. With clear, concise, and easy-to-read material, the 10th Edition is a user-friendly source for students studying computers. Subjects such as I/O functions and structures, RISC, and parallel processors are explored integratively throughout, with real world examples enhancing the text for student interest. With brand new material and strengthened pedagogy, this text engages students in the world of computer organisation and architecture.
Effective Project Management

Effective Project Management

Robert K. Wysocki

Now in its eighth edition, this comprehensive guide to project management has long been considered the standard for both professionals and academics, with nearly 40,000 copies sold in the last three editions! Well-known expert Robert Wysocki has added four chapters of new content based on instructor feedback, enhancing the coverage of best-of-breed methods and tools for ensuring project management success.
With enriched case studies, accompanying exercises and solutions on the companion website, and PowerPoint slides for all figures and tables, the book is ideal for instructors and students as well as active project managers.
Serves as a comprehensive guide to project management for both educators and project management professionals
Updated to cover the new PMBOK® Sixth Edition
Examines traditional, agile, and extreme project management techniques; the Enterprise Project Management Model; and Kanban and Scrumban methodologies
Includes a companion website with exercises and solutions and well as PowerPoint slides for all the figures and tables used
Written by well-known project management expert Robert Wysocki
Effective Project Management, Eighth Edition remains the comprehensive resource for project management practitioners, instructors, and students.
Financial Management

Financial Management


When we wrote the first edition of Financial Management: Theory and Practice, we had four goals:
(1) to create a text that would help students make better financial decisions;
(2) to provide a book that could be used in the introductory MBA course, but one that was complete enough for use as a reference text in follow-on case courses and after graduation;
(3) to motivate students by demonstrating that finance is both interesting and relevant;
(4) to make the book clear enough so that students could go through the material without wasting either their time or their professor's time trying to figure out what we were saying.
      The collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market, the financial crisis, and the globaleconomic crisis make it more important than ever for students and managers to understand the role that finance plays in a global economy, in their own companies, and in their own lives. So in addition to the four goals listed above, this edition has a fifth goal, to prepare students for a changed world.