Menejment nazariyasi

Menejment nazariyasi

Dilorom Qosimova

Ushbu darslikda menejment nazariyasining metodologik va nazariy menejmenti ilmini rivojlantirish, menejment nazariyasi qonunlari va tamoyillari, davlat va hududiy menejment, tashkiliy tuzilish va menejer faoliyatini boshqarish, menejmentning vazifalari, usullari va texnologiyasi, menejment qarorlari, motivatsiya, nazorat va boshqa menejmentga oid masalalar yoritilgan


Monika Reimann | Angela Pude | Sabine Glas-Peters

Nemis tilidan A 1.1 daraja mashq kitobi.


Angela Pude | Sabine Glas-Peters | Anna Breitsameter

Nemis tilidan A 2.1 daraja mashq kitobi.
Mental Math

Mental Math

V. R. Abhishek

Discover the Mental Math Secrets to Become a Human Calculator!
Schools taught you a way to do math that works when you have a pen & paper. But the same methods, takes a lot of effort when you have to do math in your head. This is because it uses a lot of your working memory (the short term memory used to complete a mental task).
For example, try to mentally multiply 73,201 x 3. It might take only a few seconds to multiply the individual digits. But if you multiply right to left the way you learnt in school, you will rely on your working memory. You will use it to recall every single digit you calculate to put it back together and get your final answer. You may even find yourself calculating some digits again because you forgot one of the numbers.
The difficulty increases further when you have to multiply larger numbers like 732 x 323. You will have to remember numbers across many steps. Mental arithmetic would be a lot easier to do in your head if you didn't have to remember so many numbers.
Methods in Educational Research

Methods in Educational Research

Marguerite G. Lodico | Katherine H. Voegtle | Dean T. Spaulding

Methods in Educational Research is designed to prepare students for the real world of educational research. It focuses on scientifically-based methods, school accountability, and the professional demands of the twenty-first century, empowering researchers to take an active role in conducting research in their classrooms, districts, and the greater educational community. Like the first edition, this edition helps students, educators, and researchers develop a broad and deep understanding of research methodologies. It includes substantial new content on the impact of No Child Left Behind legislation, school reform, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, logic modeling, action research, and other areas. Special features to assist the teaching and learning processes include vignettes illustrating research tied to practice, suggested readings at the end of each chapter, and discussion questions to reinforce chapter content.
Methods in Educational Research

Methods in Educational Research

Marguerite G. Lodico | Katherine H. Voegtle | Dean T. Spaulding

Written for students, educators, and researchers, Methods in Educational Research offers a refreshing introduction to the principles of educational research. Designed for the real world of educational research, the book's approach focuses on the types of problems likely to be encountered in professional experiences. Reflecting the importance of The No Child Left Behind Act , "scientifically based" educational research, school accountability, and the professional demands of the twenty-first century, Methods in Educational Research empowers educational researchers to take an active role in conducting research in their classrooms, districts, and the greater educational community—activities that are now not only expected but required of all teachers.


Sean M. Flynn | Campbell R. McConnell | Stanley L. Brue

The 19th Edition builds upon the tradition of leadership by sticking to 3 main help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and the policy alternatives; also help the student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters; and, promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy. Global this title contains - reorganized chapters to move international economics topics closer to the front of the book, including adding a web chapter into the physical textbook; globally-focused data throughout the text and figures to illustrate issues such as emigrant remittances, agricultural subsidies, global union density, and international mergers; updated discussion of exchange rates to focus on the euro and euro-area countries; revised end-of-chapter material highlighting Asian, African, Central American, and European examples; and, special Global Edition of "Connect Plus", McGraw-Hill's web-based assignment and assessment platform with eBook access, which helps students learn faster, study more efficiently and retain more knowledge.


Daniel Rubinfeld | Robert Pindyck

Microeconomics exposes students to topics that play a central role in microeconomics. From game theory and competitive strategy, to the roles of uncertainty and information, and the analysis of pricing by firms with market power, the text helps students understand what's going on in the world of business. It also shows students how microeconomics can be used as a practical tool for decision-making and for designing and understanding public policy. The 9th Edition further illustrates microeconomics' relevance and usefulness with new coverage and examples, and an improved exposition that is clear and accessible as well as lively and engaging. With Microeconomics, readers will be able to fully appreciate how a modern economy functions.
Microsoft Word - ПСИХОЛОГИЯ_Учебник

Microsoft Word - ПСИХОЛОГИЯ_Учебник

Иброҳим Маҳмудов

«Бошқарув психологияси» номли мазкур қўлланма ташкилот раҳбарларига бошқарувнинг психологик аcослари ҳақида маълумот беради. Асосий эътибор бошқарув жараёни кўпқиррали фаолият эканлигига қаратилган бўлиб, раҳбар айни пайтнинг ўзида бир неча соҳаларда фаоллик юритиши талаб қилинади. Бундай ҳол эса раҳбардан нафақат жамоани бошқариш малакалари, балки ўз-ўзини бошқариш хусусиятларини билишни ҳам тақозо этади. Қўлланманинг марказий масаласи қилиб раҳбар шахсида жамоани ва ўз-ўзини бошқаришнинг уйғунлашуви зарурати қўйилади.


Bahodir Salimov | Baxtiyor Salimov | Muxiddin Yusupov

Darslikda resurslar taqchilligi sharoitida cheksiz ehtiyojlami optimal qondirish, iqtisodiy tanlov va muqobil xarajatlar, ishlab chiqarish imkoniyatlaridan samarali foydalanish, bozor iqtisodiyoti sharoitida firmalar mahsulotiga talab va taklif hamda bozorning muvozanatga erishish vositalari, maksimal va minimal narxlar o'rnatilishining bozor muvozanatiga ta'siri, talab va taklif elastikligidan amaliyotda foydalanish yo'nalishlari, iste'molchilaming bozordagi xatti-harakati va unga ta'sir qiluvchi omillar, individual va bozor talab bilan bog'liq nazariy hamda amaliy masalalar yoritilgan. Ishlab chiqarish omillari va texnologiyasi, qisqa va uzoq muddatli davrdagi xarajatlar, firmalarning mukammal raqobatlashgan, monopol raqobatlashgan, oligopolistik va sof monopoliya bozorlaridagi xatti-harakati, turli bozorlarda narx belgilash, xarajatlarni minimallashtirish va foydani maksimallashtirish bilan bog'liq masalalar chuqur tahlil qilingan.