Garmoniya bo’yicha mashq va masalalar to’plami

Garmoniya bo’yicha mashq va masalalar to’plami

Q. Rahimov

Mazkur qo'llanma o'zbek tilida "Garmoniya fanini amaliy o'rganishga qaratilgan o'quv adabiyotlarining juda ham kamligi sababli, S. Ye. Maksimovning "Упражнений по гармонии на фортепиано". B. Alekseyevning "Задачи по гармонии", I. Asseyevning "Сборник задач по гармонии" va I. I. Dubovskiy (va boshqalar)ning "Garmoniya darsligi" kitoblari asosida tayyorlangan. Qo'llanma fanning qism mavzulari va ularning eng asosiy qoidalarini amaliy tarzda o'rganishga qaratilgan. Unga akkordlar tuzish va ularni bir-biriga bog'lash mashqlari, fortepiyanoda kadensiyalar va sekvensiyalar chalish, garmonik tizimlar va badiiy asar namunalarini tahlil qilish vazifalari kiritilgan.
Shuningdek, kursning har bir mavzusi bo'yicha bajariladigan masalalar, ularning yechilishiga doir amaliy ko'rsatmalar va akkordlarning garmonik izchilliklarini fortepiyanoda chalish mashqlari ham qo'llanmadan o'rin olgan.
Ushbu qo'llanma asosan Oliy o'quv yurtlarining 5141000-Musiqa ta'lim yo'nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, undan musiqa yo'nalishidagi o'rta maxsus o'quv yurtlarining o'quvchilari ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education

Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education

Olivia Saracho

The Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education brings together in one source research techniques that researchers can use to collect data for studies that contribute to the knowledge in early childhood education. To conduct valid and reliable studies, researchers need to be knowledgeable about numerous research methodologies. The Handbook primarily addresses the researchers, scholars, and graduate or advanced undergraduate students who are preparing to conduct research in early childhood education. It provides them with the intellectual resources that will help them join the cadre of early childhood education researchers and scholars. The purpose of the Handbook is to prepare and guide researchers to achieve a high level of competence and sophistication, to avoid past mistakes, and to benefit from the best researchers in the field. This Handbook is also useful to university professors who conduct research and prepare student researchers in early childhood education. It aims to improve the researchers' conceptual and methodological abilities in early childhood education. Thus, the Handbook can be used as a guide that focuses on important contemporary research methodologies in early childhood education and describes them to offer researchers the necessary information to use these methodologies appropriately. This Handbook is designed to be used by students of early childhood education at all levels of professional development as well as mature scholars who want to conduct research in areas needing more in-depth study. It is hoped that this Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education will serve the needs of many in the research community. Scholars seeking the current state of research knowledge in various areas should find this volume useful. Similarly, practitioners who are trying to seek knowledge of research and its practical implications should find this volume helpful as well. This Handbook with its individual chapters presents several research methodologies to address a variety of hypotheses or research questions that will contribute to the knowledge of the field in early childhood education.
Handbook of research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy

Handbook of research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy

Sandra P. A. Robinson | Verna Knight

Critical thinking is an essential skill for learners and teachers alike. Therefore, it is essential that educators be given practical strategies for improving their critical thinking skills as well as methods to effectively provide critical thinking skills to their students. The Handbook of Research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy examines and explains how new strategies, methods, and techniques in critical thinking can be applied to classroom practice and professional development to improve teaching and learning in teacher education and make critical thinking a tangible objective in instruction. This critical scholarly publication helps to shift and advance the debate on how critical thinking should be taught and offers insights into the significance of critical thinking and its effective integration as a cornerstone of the educational system. Highlighting topics such as early childhood education, curriculum, and STEM education, this book is designed for teachers/instructors, instructional designers, education professionals, administrators, policymakers, researchers, and academicians.
Head First Java

Head First Java

Bert Bates | Trisha Gee | Kathy Sierra

Head First Java is a complete learning experience in Java and object-oriented programming. With this book, you'll learn the Java language with a unique method that goes beyond how-to manuals and helps you become a great programmer. Through puzzles, mysteries, and soul-searching interviews with famous Java objects, you'll quickly get up to speed on Java's fundamentals and advanced topics including lambdas, streams, generics, threading, networking, and the dreaded desktop GUI. If you have experience with another programming language, Head First Java will engage your brain with more modern approaches to coding-the sleeker, faster, and easier to read, write, and maintain Java of today.