Boshlang'ich sinflarda matematika o'qitish metodikasi

Boshlang'ich sinflarda matematika o'qitish metodikasi

Mamanazar Jumayev

Mazkur darslik pedagogika universiteti, universitetlar va pedagogika institutlarining bakalavr: 60110500-«Boshlang'ich ta'lim» yo'nalishi bo'yicha bo'lajak boshlang'ich sinf o'qituvchilari uchun mo'ljallangan bolib, Boshlang'ich sinflarda «Matematikani o'qitish metodikasi» fani bo'yicha foydalanishga tavsiya etiladi.



Mazkur darslik pedagogika instituti va universitetlarining
"Boshlang'ich ta'lim va tarbiyaviy ish" YO'nalishi bO'yicha bo'lajak
boshlang'ich sinf o'qituvchilari uchun mo'ijallangan bo'lib, "Boshlang'ich sinflarda matematikani o'qitish metodikasi" fani bO'yicha
foydalanishga tavsiya etiladi.
Boshqaruv psixologiyasi

Boshqaruv psixologiyasi

Oybek Hayitov

"Boshqaruv psixologiyasi" - psixologiya fanining shunday tarmog'iki, u boshqaruv faoliyati bilan bog'liq bo'lgan muammolarni, shaxs va shaxslar guruhi tomonidan boshqa guruhlar faoliyatini samarali tashkil etish va birgalikdagi faoliyatni amalga oshirishning psixologik mexanizmlarini o'rganadi. Oxirgi yillarda inson omiliga e'tiborning ortib borishi munosabati bilan boshqarish psixologiyasi masalalariga ham qiziqish kuchaydi. Shu asosda ijtimoiy psixologiyaning maxsus bo'limi - boshqaruv psixologiyasi paydo bo'ldi.
Ushbu darslik 5A610501 - Sport faoliyati (faoliyat turlari bo'yicha) va 5A610502 - Jismoniy tarbiya va sport menejmenti mutaxassisliklari talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, undan psixologiya sohasiga qiziqqan talabalar, doktorantlar, sport ta'limi muassasasi rahbarlari ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Capital Market Instruments

Capital Market Instruments

Moorad Choudhry

This book began life as a concise but complete textbook on financial market instruments and analysis, aimed at practitioners and graduate students. The third edition stays on this same course, but also includes a detailed assessment and analysis of the 2007-8 financial crisis or 'credit crunch'. Events during this period challenged banks and investors to re-evaluate erstwhile assumptions about the financial markets, which is why it is worth considering them in detail here. We have also updated chapters to account for the changes and developments that have occurred since the second edition was published. This is most significant in the chapter on credit derivatives, where among other things we describe the 'big bang' that occurred in April 2009, and which has resulted in North American contracts being traded under new cash flow arrangements
Child Development and Education

Child Development and Education

MC. Devitt | Jeanne Ellis Ormord | M. Teresa

Written by a developmentalist and an educational psychologist, Child Development and Education, 7th Edition, clearly shows those who will teach and care for children and adolescents how to apply developmental research and theory to their everyday practice. The book explores developmental phenomena and provides opportunities for readers to practice observations of and analyses of what children say, do, and create. This applied approach ensures that future educators can make informed decisions that meet children's and adolescent's needs.
Computer Networks

Computer Networks

David Wetherall | Nick Feamster | Andrew S. Tanenbaum

This book is now in its sixth edition. Each edition has corresponded to a different phase in the way computer networks were used. When the first edition appeared in 1980, networks were an academic curiosity. When the second edition appeared in 1988, networks were used by universities and large businesses. When the third edition appeared in 1996, computer networks, especially the Internet, had become a daily reality for millions of people. By the fourth edition, in 2003, wireless networks and mobile computers had become commonplace for accessing the Web and the Internet. By the fifth edition, networks were about content distribution (especially videos using CDNs and peer-to-peer networks) and mobile phones. Now in the sixth edition, industry emphasis on is very high performance, with 5G cellular networks, 100-gigabit Ethernet, and 802.11ax WiFi at speeds up to 11 Gbps just around the corner.
Culture and History of Great Britain

Culture and History of Great Britain

Mgr. Renáta Marosi

The textbook is mostly meant for first-year university students of English language and literature, who want to pass their course entitled History and Culture of Great Britain successfully. The book might also come in handy for secondary grammar teachers of English, who prepare their students for their school leaving exam or for English/History teachers teaching at bilingual (English-Slovak, English-Hungarian) high schools. The textbook might be also useful for everyone who is eager to find out more about the culture and history of Great Britain.