Advanced Macroeconomics

Advanced Macroeconomics

David Romer

The fifth edition of Romer's Advanced Macroeconomics continues its tradition as the standard text and the starting point for graduate macroeconomics courses and helps lay the groundwork for students to begin doing research in macroeconomics and monetary economics. Romer presents the major theories concerning the central questions of macroeconomics. The theoretical analysis is supplemented by examples of relevant empirical work, illustrating the ways that theories can be applied and tested. In areas ranging from economic growth and short-run fluctuations to the natural rate of unemployment and monetary policy, formal models are used to present and analyze key ideas and issues.
The book has been extensively revised to incorporate important new topics and new research, eliminate inessential material, and further improve the presentation.
Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology

Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology

Paula Brough

This is the first comprehensive guide to the range of research methods available to applied psychologists. Ideally suited to students and researchers alike, and covering both quantitative and qualitative techniques, the book takes readers on a journey from research design to final reporting.
The book is divided into four sections, with chapters written by leading international researchers working in a range of applied settings:
  • Getting Started
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Research Dissemination
With coverage of sampling and ethical issues, and chapters on everything from experimental and quasi-experimental designs to longitudinal data collection and focus groups, the book provides a concise overview not only of the options available for applied research, but also of how to make sense of the data produced. It includes chapters on organizational interventions and the use of digital technologies, and concludes with chapters on how to publish your research, whether it's a thesis, journal article or organisational report.
This is a must-have book for anyone conducting psychological research in an applied setting.
Afg'on rubobi darsligi

Afg'on rubobi darsligi

G‘ulomqodir Ergashev

O'quv qo'llanmi Respublika oliy o'quv yurtlari, musiqa va san'at kollejlari, akademik litseylari, barcha ta'lim-tarbiya muassasalarining o'quvchilari, bolalar musiqa maktablari va keng kitobxonlar ommasi uchun mo'ljallangan.
Afg'on rubobi darsligi

Afg'on rubobi darsligi

G'ulomqodir Ergashev

O'quv qo'llanmil Respublika oliy o'quv yurtlari, musiqa va san'at kollejlari, akademik litseylari, barcha
ta'hm-tarblya muassasalarining oq'uvchilari, bolalar musiqa maktablari va keng kitobxonlar ommasi uchun
Algebra va matematik analiz asoslari.

Algebra va matematik analiz asoslari.

J. H. Husanov | U. M. Nosirov | H. A. Nasimov | A. U. Abduhamidov

„Algebra va matematik analiz asoslari" darsligi ikki qismdan iborat bo'lib, akademik litseylar va kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun mo'ljallangan hamda shu fan bo'yicha akademik litseylar va kasbhunar kollejlari o'quv rejasiga asosan, aniq fanlar yo'nalishi, tabiiy fanlar yo'nalishi, shuningdek, matematika umumta'lim fani sifatida o'rganiladigan guruhlarning „Algebra va matematik analiz asoslari" kursining o'quv dasturidagi barcha materiallarni o'z ichiga oladi
Algebra va sonlar nazariyasi

Algebra va sonlar nazariyasi

F.H Haydarov | B.A Omirov | Sh.A Ayupov | A.X Xudoyberdiyev

O'quv qo'llanma yangi dasturga mos ravishda tayyorlangan. Qo'llanmada chizigli tenglamalar sistemalari va ularnunig yechish usullari, n-tartibli determinantlar, kompleks sonlar, matritsalar va ular ustida amallar, ko'phadlar va ularning ildizlari, chiziqli fazo, chiziqli va bishiziqli akslantirishlar, chiziqli almashtirishlar va ularning matritsalari normal shakli, bo'linish nazariyasi, taqqoslamalar nazariyasi, multiplikativ funksiyalar kabi mavzular bayon qilingan
Ansambl ijrochiligi

Ansambl ijrochiligi

Davron Yuldashevich Ruziyev

Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma Oliy ta'lim tizimi 5150700- Cholg'u ijrochiligi (xalq cholg'ulari) yo'nalishining ―Ansambl sinfi‖ (xalq cholg'ulari) fani bo'yicha tayyorlangan bo'lib, unda ansambllar haqida, ansambl ijrochiligi vositasida talabalarga bilim berish, mashg'ulotlarni o'tkazish, asarlarni o'rgatish jarayonini loyihalash va asarlar ustida ishlash usullari bilan bir qatorda ijro mahoratini o'stirish uchun musiqiy asarlar DTS ga asoslangan holda kеltirilgan.
Applied Corporate Finance

Applied Corporate Finance

Aswath Damodaran

This book was written originally to fulfill a need that conventional corporate finance books were not filling - to provide practical and succinct advice on how to do corporate finance rather than debate theory. It was intended for both practitioners who have little patience for extended discourses on models and assumptions and for instructors/students who wanted to focus on applying corporate finance to real companies.
The book tells a story, which essentially summarizes the corporate finance view of the world. It classifies all decisions made by any business into three groups—decisions on where to invest the resources or funds that the business has raised, either internally or externally (the investment decision), decisions on where and how to raise funds to finance these investments (the financing decision) and decisions on how much and in what form to return funds back to the owners (dividend decision).
Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice_1

Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice_1

Armstrong, Michael

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