Digital Fundamentals

Digital Fundamentals

Thomas L. Floyd

This eleventh edition of Digital Fundamentals continues a long tradition of presenting a strong foundation in the core fundamentals of digital technology. This text provides basic concepts reinforced by plentiful illustrations, examples, exercises, and applications. Applied Logic features, Implementation features, troubleshooting sections, programmable logic and PLD programming, integrated circuit technologies, and the special topics of signal conversion and processing, data transmission, and data processing and control are included in addition to the core fundamentals. New topics and features have been added to this edition, and many other topics have been enhanced. The approach used in Digital Fundamentals allows students to master the all-important fundamental concepts before getting into more advanced or optional topics. The range of topics provides the flexibility to accommodate a variety of program requirements. For example, some of the design-oriented or application-oriented topics may not be appropriate in some courses. Some programs may not cover programmable logic and PLD programming, while others may not have time to include data transmission or data processing. Also, some programs may not cover the details of "inside-the-chip" circuitry.
Engineering Mathematics

Engineering Mathematics

K. A. Stroud

This book contains fort y lessons called Programmes. Each Programme has been written in such a way as to make learning mOTe effective and more interesting.
Interaction Design

Interaction Design

Yvonne Rogers | Jennifer Preece | Helen Sharp

Welcome to the fifth edition of Interaction Design: beyond human-computer interaction and our interactive website at Building on the success of the previous editions, we have substantially updated and streamlined the material in this book to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fast-growing and multi-disciplinary field of interaction design. Rather than let the book expand, however, we have again made a conscious effort to keep it at the same size.
      Our textbook is aimed at both professionals who want to find out more about interaction design and students from a range of backgrounds studying introductory classes in human-computer interaction, interaction design, information and communications technology, web design, software engineering, digital media, information systems, and information studies. It will appeal to practitioners, designers, and researchers who want to discover what is new in the field or to learn about a specific design approach, method, interface, or topic. It is also written to appeal to a general audience interested in design and technology.
Introduction to Algorithms

Introduction to Algorithms

Charles E. Leiserson | Clifford Stein | Thomas H. Cormen | Ronald L. Rivest

Before there were computers, there were algorithms. But now that there are computers, there are even more algorithms, and algorithms lie at the heart of computing. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the modern study of computer algorithms. It presents many algorithms and covers them in considerable depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers. We have tried to keep explanations elementary without sacrificing depth of coverage or mathematical rigor.
      Each chapter presents an algorithm, a design technique, an application area, or a related topic. Algorithms are described in English and in a pseudocode designed to be readable by anyone who has done a little programming. The book contains 244 figures—many with multiple parts—illustrating how the algorithms work. Since we emphasize efficiency as a design criterion, we include careful analyses of the running times of all our algorithms.
      The text is intended primarily for use in undergraduate or graduate courses in algorithms or data structures. Because it discusses engineering issues in algorithm design, as well as mathematical aspects, it is equally well suited for self-study by technical professionals.
IT Infrastructure Architecture

IT Infrastructure Architecture

Sjaak Laan

This book is about Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure Architecture. This book explains how infrastructure components work on an architectural level.


N. Gregory Mankiw | Mark P. Taylor

This fifth edition of Economics reflects the way in which the discipline is evolving. Academics across the UK and Europe are engaged in a lively debate about the future direction of the subject both in the way it is taught at the undergraduate level and how research into developing new knowledge should be conducted.
International Marketing and Export Management

International Marketing and Export Management

Gerald Albaum | Edwin Duerr | Alexander Josiassen

The aim of the eighth edition is to provide a more balanced view of international marketing and export management. In the process, certain aspects have been prioritized more than in previous editions. For example, cultural perspectives of international marketing are more in focus for this edition compared to previous editions. Another example of higher priority relates to theories and models specific to international consumer behavior such as country-of-origin theory and the theories and models that focus on understanding consumers' country biases. On the other hand, information technology is viewed as a host of tools rather than a specific set of strategies or tactics. For this reason, information technology-related topics have, where possible, not been afforded separate sections but are integrated into the text.
Уруш ва тинчлик

Уруш ва тинчлик

Лев Толстой

Роман-епопея жанрининг енг шоҳ асарларидан бўлмиш мазкур машҳур «Уруш ва тинчлик» романи кўлами жиҳатидан дунё адабиёти ихлосмандлари томонидан юксак еътирофларга сазовор бўлган. Бугун ушбу асарни жуда соғинган ва унинг янги нашрини интиқлик билан кутаётганлар кўп. Бунда, албатта, Толстой даҳоси ҳақида гапириш ўринли бўлади. Россиянинг Наполеон томонидан босиб олиниши мумкин бўлган бир вақтда бошқалардан ўзларини устун деб билган турли табақаларни душманга қарши кураш воситасида бирлаштирган, айни пайтда еса рус халқининг маиший ҳаёти ва уларнинг дунёқарашини тўла-тўкис ифодалаган «Уруш ва тинчлик» асарининг дунёга келиши ўз даври учун катта воқеа еди.
      Унда, табиийки, муҳаббат ҳам бор, изтироб ҳам бор. Муҳими, халқ онгидаги уйғонишга бўлган даъват бугунги кунга, бугунги замон кишисига ҳам бирдай тааллуқлидир.
Чўл бўриси

Чўл бўриси

Ҳерманн Ҳессе | М. Акбаров

Херман Хессе (1877-1962) ХХ аср олмон адабиётининг йирик намояндаларидан бири, адабиёт соҳасидаги Халқаро Нобель мукофотининг совриндори. Унинг кўплаб роман, қисса, ҳикоялари, шеърлари, сиёсий ва адабий-танқидий рухдаги асарлари чоп этилган.
      Илк бор 1927 йилда босилиб чиққан «Чўл бўриси» романи Херманн Ҳессега оламшумул шуҳрат келтирган теран психологик асардир. «Чўл бўриси»да ўз-ўзини таҳлил қилиш ва ҳал этилмаган маънавий-рухий зиддиятларни енгиш йўлидаги саъй-ҳаракатлар қаламга олинади.
     Ёзувчи Томас Манн ушбу роман ҳақида шундай деб ёзган эди: «Чўл бўриси» менга анчадан буён илк бор ҳақиқий китоб мутолааси не эканини қайтадан ўргатган асардир».
Оила педагогикаси

Оила педагогикаси


Дарслик "Оила педагогикаси" фани ўқув курсининг дастури асосида тайёрланган бўлиб, унда оила педагогикасининг назарий асослари, оилавий ҳаётнинг шахс ҳаётидаги ўрни, оилада баркамол шахсни тарбиялаш , ота-оналарнинг мажбуриятлари, хуқуқлари, ота-она обрўси, оила аъзоларининг шах шаклланишидаги таъсири, ўғил ва қиз болалар тарбиясининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари, оила-маҳалла-таълим муассасаси ҳамкорлигида оила мустаҳкамлигини таъминлашнинг назарий хусусиятлари каби масалалар ёритилган.
Ilk qadam

Ilk qadam

mualliflar jamoasi

Ilk qadam davlat dasturi Maktabgacha ta'lim muassasasining davlat o'quv dasturi (quyida: «MTM davlat o'quv dasturi») O'zbekiston Respublikasining ilk va maktabgacha yoshidagi bolalarni rivojlantirish borasidagi Davlat talablariga muvofiq ishlab chiqilgan me'yoriy-huquqiy hujjat bo'lib, unda maktabgacha ta'lim muassasasining maqsad va vazifalari, o'quv-tarbiyaviy faoliyatning asosiy g'oyalari ifodalangan, shuningdek, bolaning ta'limning keyingi bosqichiga o'tishidagi asosiy kompetentsiyalari belgilangan.
Matematika o'qitish metodikasidan praktikum

Matematika o'qitish metodikasidan praktikum

Mamanazar Jumayev

Mazkur praktikum universitetlar va pedagogika institutlari talabalari uchun "Matematika o'qitish metodikasi kursi" bo'yicha "Boshlang'ich ta'lim va tarbiyaviy ish" yo'nalishi mutaxassisligi uchun mo'ljallangan. Qo'lIanma talabalarning matematikadan boshlang'ich ta'lim metodikasi bo'yicha amaliy mashg'ulotlarda bajaradigan asosiy ishlarining tavsifini va namunalarini o'z ichiga oladi. Har bir amaliy mashg'ulotning mavzusi, unga tayyorlanish jarayonida talaba bajarishi lozim bo'igan topshiriqiar, metodik ko'rsatmalar va eng muhim nazariy manbalar keltirilgan.