Child Growth and Development

Child Growth and Development

Antoinette Ricardo | Alexa Johnson | Dawn Rymond | Jennifer Paris

Welcome to Child Growth and Development. This text is a presentation of how and why children grow/ develop/ and learn. We will look at how we change physically over time from conception through adolescence. We examine cognitive change/ or how our ability to think and remember changes over the first 20 years or so of life. And we will look at how our emotions/ psychological state/ and social relationships change throughout childhood and adolescence. This book is also available as an adaptable Word file.
Early Learning Tech Policy Brief

Early Learning Tech Policy Brief

This policy brief promotes developmentally appropriate use of technology in homes and early learning settings. It was created by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help those who care for 0-8 year olds make wise decisions about technology use.  It provides four guiding principles for families and early educators, and includes a call to action for researchers and technology developers, highlighting topics for further research and encouraging the development of research-based products.
Handbook of research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy

Handbook of research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy

Sandra P. A. Robinson | Verna Knight

Critical thinking is an essential skill for learners and teachers alike. Therefore, it is essential that educators be given practical strategies for improving their critical thinking skills as well as methods to effectively provide critical thinking skills to their students. The Handbook of Research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy examines and explains how new strategies, methods, and techniques in critical thinking can be applied to classroom practice and professional development to improve teaching and learning in teacher education and make critical thinking a tangible objective in instruction. This critical scholarly publication helps to shift and advance the debate on how critical thinking should be taught and offers insights into the significance of critical thinking and its effective integration as a cornerstone of the educational system. Highlighting topics such as early childhood education, curriculum, and STEM education, this book is designed for teachers/instructors, instructional designers, education professionals, administrators, policymakers, researchers, and academicians.
Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Eva L. Essa

INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, 6/E, provides a comprehensive overview of early childhood education that is solidly based on current research and theories. Grounded in constructivist theory but also covering other perspectives, the text focuses on developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, early elementary schoolchildren, and children with disabilities. The majority of the text examines curriculum and the fostering of creativity, as well as physical, cognitive, language, and social development--and every facet of early childhood education is examined and explained. This edition also has been extensively revised and includes new standards and accountability in the field of early childhood education, a new emphasis on working with children from diverse backgrounds, and discussions of the role of families and forms of parent communication. With a strong emphasis on DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) along with completely updated references, examples from practitioners, and new video offerings, this book has become the most comprehensive resource available.
Lifespan Development

Lifespan Development

Martha Lally | Suzanne Valentine-French

This Open Education Resource (OER) textbook was funded by a grant from the College of Lake County Foundation and supported by the Business and Social Sciences Division. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 unported license to view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Technologies for modern digital entrepreneurship

Technologies for modern digital entrepreneurship


The Future of Business and Finance book series features professional works aimed
at defining, describing and charting the future trends in these fields. The focus is
mainly on strategic directions, technological advances, challenges and solutions
which may affect the way we do business tomorrow, including the future of
sustainability and governance practices. Mainly written by practitioners, consultants
and academic thinkers, the books are intended to spark and inform further
discussions and developments
Art and Creative Development for Young Children

Art and Creative Development for Young Children

J. Englebright Fox | Robert Schirrmacher

Written for pre-service and in-service early childhood professionals in child care, preschool, or kindergarten through third grade settings, ART & CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, 8th Edition, takes a child-centered approach to art education. Updated throughout, the book includes an in-depth discussion of technology to aid teachers in understanding the role that technology can play in children's visual art appreciation and production. Guidelines for establishing an inclusive art program in classrooms for young children are included for early childhood professionals. Activities and recipes make the text a valuable resource for in-service teachers.


В.В. Ильяшенко

Рассматриваются важнейшие проблемы курса микроэкономики: основы теории спроса и предложения, теория потребительского выбора, теория производства и издержек, экономическое поведение фирм в различных моделях рынка, теория ценообразования на факторы производства, теория общего равновесия рыночной системы. Теоретические положения излагаются с широким использо ванием таблиц и графиков. Обращается внимание на практическое применение принципов и законов микроэкономической теории. При изучении ряда вопросов использованы материалы о развитии экономики России.
Для студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся в высших учебных заведениях по направлению 080100 «Экономика». Может быть полезен для аспирантов, препода вателей вузов и колледжей, научных и практических работников, управленческого персонала коммерческих организаций всех, кто изучает экономическую теорию и микроэкономику.
Oliy matematika

Oliy matematika

Sh. R. Xurramov

Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma oily ta'lim muassasalarining texnika va texnologiya yo'nalishlari bakalavrlari uchun «Oliy matematika» fani dasturi asosida yozilgan bo'lib, fanning bir necha o'zgaruvchi funksiyalarining differensial hisobi, bir necha o'zgaruvchi funksiyalarining integral hisobi, oddiy differensial tenglamalar va qatorlar bo'limlariga oid materiallarni o'z ichiga oladi.
Qo'llanmada zarur nazariy tushunchalar, qoidalar, teoremalar va formulalar keltirilgan va ularning mohiyati misol va masalalar yechimlarida tushuntirilgan, mustahkamlash uchun mashqlar, nazorat ishi va talabalarning mustaqil ishlari uchun topshiriqlar berilgan. Har bir mustaqil ish topshirig'iga oid misol va masala na'muna sifatida yechib ko'rsatilgan.


Л.В. Горяинова | В.Ф. Максимова

В пособии излагаются основы рыночной экономики, раскрываются главные принципы ее функционирования на микроэкономическом уровне, дается представление о механизме установления цены на тот или иной товар под воздействием спроса и предложения, о побудительных мотивах в поведении индивидуума и фирмы, об объеме выпускаемой продукции в различных рыночных структурах, об оптимальном использовании экономических ресурсов в целях получения максимальной прибыли.
Пособие предназначено для преподавателей, студентов и слушателей, обучающихся на всех формах обучения с использованием дистанционных образовательных технологий.


Д.Н. Земляков | Ю.В. Тарануха

Представлен стандартный курс микроэкономического анализа, который по своему содержанию отвечает действующим Государственным образовательным стандартам по направлению «Менеджмент». Учебник отличают простота и краткость изложения, а также ориентация на развитие компетенций обучающихся. Главы снабжены краткими выводами, решениями типовых задач, списками учебной и дополнительной литературы.
Для студентов неэкономических специальностей, изучающих экономическую теорию, а также предпринимателей, стремящихся к углублению представлений о функционировании рынков и овладению принципами принятия хозяйственных решений.
Микроиқтисодиё фанидан масалалар тўплами

Микроиқтисодиё фанидан масалалар тўплами

Б. Б. Салимов | Б. Т. Салимов

Ушбу масалалар тўплами иқтисодиёт ва олий ўқув юртлари ва факультетлари талабалари учун мўлжалланган бўлиб, у "Микроиқтисодиёт" фани дастури асосида тайёрланган. Бундаги масалалар боблар бўйича берилган. Ҳар бир бобда даставвал асосий тушунчалар, формулалар, масалаларни ечиш йўллари келтирилган.
Иқтисодиёт олий ўқув юртларининг талабалари, аспирантлари ва ўқитувчилари дарс жараёнида ушбу масалалар тўпламидан фойдаланишлари мумкин.