С. А. Мартишин. Базы данных

С. А. Мартишин. Базы данных

С.А. Мартишин | В.Л. Симонов | М.В. Храпченко

Учебное пособие предназначено для изучения практического приме нения СУБД SQL и NoSQL-типа при проектировании информационных систем. Проведены аналогии между базами данных SQL и NoSQL-типа. Полученные теоретические знания закрепляются при выполнении цикла лабораторных работ. Работа с SQL СУБД, изучается на примере СУБД MariaDB. Рассмотрен вопрос использования хорошо зарекомендовавших себя в работе с MySQL, приложений (например, phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench). Работа с NoSQL СУБД изучается на примере СУБД Моров с использованием оболочки Robomongo. Показана возможность использ вания универсального менеджера баз данных DBeaver для одновременной работы с СУБД MariaDB и MongoDB. Приведены примеры информацион" ных систем на базе обоих типов СУБД SQL и NoSQL.
Matematikadan qo‘llanma

Matematikadan qo‘llanma

R. D. Isomov | F. R. Usmonov | B. O. Xo‘jayev

Mazkur qo'llanma О'zbekiston Respublikasi Oliv va о'rta maxsus ta'lim vazirligi О'rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta'limi markazi tasdiqlagan dasturlar asosida yozilgan bo'lib, akademik, litsey, kasb-hunar kollejlari о'quvchilari uchun mo'Ijallangan. Qo'llanma matematika fani bo'yicha о'quv dasturidagiasosiy materiallarni о'z ichiga oladi. Unda keltirilgan matematik tushunchalar, ta'riflar, qoidalar va teoremalar, masala-misollarni yechish namunalari bilan sodda va ravon tilda bayon qilingan, har bir bobda mustaqil yechish uchun testlar keltirilgan.
Boshlang'ich matematika kursi nazariyasi.B.S.Abdullaeva

Boshlang'ich matematika kursi nazariyasi.B.S.Abdullaeva

B. S. Abdullayeva

Darslik "5111700 - Boshlang'ich ta'lim va sport-tarbiyaviy ish" bakalavriat ta'lim yo'nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, davlat ta'lim standartiga to'la mos keladi.
Darslik matematikaning umumiy tushunchalar, nomanfiy butun sonlar, son tushunchasini kengaytirish, elementar algebra va geometriya elementlari, miqdorlar va ularni o'lchash bo'limlarini o'z ichiga oladi. Bo'limlardagi mavzularning nazariy mazmunining ma'nosini ochib berish uchun ko'p miqdorda turli misol va masalalar keltirilgan hamda o'z-o'zini nazorat qilish savollari bilan ta'minlangan.
Стратегический менеджмент

Стратегический менеджмент

А. Н. Петров

Новая парадигма менеджмента формируется болезненно, но неотвратимо. Драйвером формирования является стратегическое управление, которое в последние два десятилетия насыщается новыми идеями и концептами. Не все они бесспорны, но многие уже получают признание и могут рассматриваться как основа для дальнейших исследований. В таком ключе построена монография. Каждая глава посвящена одному из разрабатываемых концептов стратегического менеджмента, которые широко обсуждаются в литературе и применяются на практике. Главы 1, 3 и 4 написаны совместно с д-м экон. наук А. М. Ароновым, канд. экон. наук М. А. Зверевой и канд. экон. наук И. И. Петровой.
Издание может быть полезно практическим работникам, связанным с разработкой и реализацией процедур стратегического менеджмента в организации, а также преподавателям и студентам магистратуры направления «Менеджмент». Особую благодарность автор выражает Н. Д. Пущиной, без помощи которой монография вряд ли увидела бы свет.
Ma'lumotlar bazasi

Ma'lumotlar bazasi

T. A. Xo‘jakulov

Darslik 17 ta bobdan iborat bo'lib, ma'lumotlar bazasi haqida tushuncha, ma'lumotlar bazasi tizimining arxitekturasi, ma'lumotlar bazasi modellari, relatsion ma'lumotlar modeli, relatsion algebra va relatsion hisoblash elementlari, ma'lumotlar bazasini rejalashtirish, loyihalash va administratorlash, ma'lumotlar bazasini normalashtirish mavzo'lari keltirilgan. Ma'lumotlar bazasini boshqarish uchun dasturlash tillari, SQL tili tushunchasi, ma'lumotlarni manipulyatsiya qilish, ma'lumotlarni tavsiflash, tranzaksiyalarni boshqarish, ma'lumotlar bazasini administratorlashlari ham keltirilgan. Ma'lumotlar bazasini boshqa dasturlash tillari bilan bog'lash uchun, ODBC interfeysi, С++ va SQL orqali yangi ma'lumotlar qo'shish, ADO texnologiyasidan foydalanish, ADO va С++ dan foydalanish hamda XML va ma'lumotlar bazasini prinsiplari muhokama etilib, ma'lumotlar bazasini boshqarish tizimlari me'yoriy hujjatlari keltirilgan.
Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika

Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika

G. S. Xujaniyozova | A. R. Xashimov | Sh. Sh. Babadjanova

Ushbu darslik iqtisodiyot ta'lim yo'nalishida tahsil olayotgan bakalavrlar uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, "Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika" fan dasturiga moslashtirib yozilgan. Darslikda chiziqli algebra, analitik geometriya, matematik tahlil, oddiy differensial tenglamalar va qatorlar nazariyasiga doir materiallar keltirilgan. Bu darslikka kirilgan materiallar ma'lum bir doiradagi iqtisodiy muammolarning matematik modellarini tuzish hamda ularning optimal yechimini topishda yordam beradi. Darslik talabalarning fan bo'yicha nazariy bilimlarini chuqurlashtirishga, ma'ruza darslarida berilgan tushunchalarni kengroq bilib olishiga yordam beradi. Darslikka mavzular bo'yicha nazorat ish variantlari kiritilgan.
Darslik iqtisod ta'lim yo'nalishidagi bakalavriat uchun moʻljallangan ta'lim standartlari va oʻquv rejasi talablariga javob beradi.
Немис тили грамматикаси машқларда

Немис тили грамматикаси машқларда

С. Саидов

"Mashqlarda nemis tili grammatikasi" oʻquv qoʻllanma Respublika universitetlari, institutlari va chet tillari kafedralarining boʻlajak nemis tili mutaxassislarining 1-2 kurs talabalari uchun moʻljallangan boʻlib, 304 soatlik dastur asosida yozilgan. . Darslikdan maktablar, litseylar, kollejlar, kasb-hunar maktablari o'quvchilari, chet el fakultetlari talabalari, nemis tili o'qituvchilari, aspirantlar, shuningdek, nemis tili fanidan mustaqil talabalar foydalanishlari mumkin.
Foundations of Early Childhood Education:

Foundations of Early Childhood Education:

Janet Gonzalez-Mena

Foundations of Early Childhood Education is designed to help improve the quality in early care and education programs through training teachers. It features skill building with a solid theoretical base, and provides students with an overview of early childhood programs through the use of examples, anecdotes, and scenarios. Readers will come away with an understanding of what makes a quality program, where children gain the foundations they need for school success and beyond.
Food and Beverage Services

Food and Beverage Services

Food and Beverage Services is related to all the activities pertaining to preparing for service and serving food and beverages. This tutorial introduces you to various types of services, table settings, various equipment used in service, types of menus, types of service operations, food garnishes and accompaniments, and various standard operating procedures followed by food and beverage service business. This tutorial teaches basic terms used in food and beverage service domain. After going through this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise of tourism basics from where you can take yourself to next levels.
The Art of  Hospitality

The Art of Hospitality

Yvonne Gentile | Debi Nixon

Engaging worship and intentional follow-up processes are important, but what compels guests to return to our churches is the warmth of our welcome and hospitality that goes beyond their expectations.
The Art of Hospitality, a new comprehensive program developed by hospitality experts from the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, promises to guide a local church in exactly what the program's title implies: the artform of creating radical hospitality that infiltrates the heart and culture of the entire church. Complete with techniques and strategic planning throughout, The Art of Hospitality will effectively change how you do church, leaving guests surprised, delighted, and eager to return.
Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education

Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education

Olivia Saracho

The Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education brings together in one source research techniques that researchers can use to collect data for studies that contribute to the knowledge in early childhood education. To conduct valid and reliable studies, researchers need to be knowledgeable about numerous research methodologies. The Handbook primarily addresses the researchers, scholars, and graduate or advanced undergraduate students who are preparing to conduct research in early childhood education. It provides them with the intellectual resources that will help them join the cadre of early childhood education researchers and scholars. The purpose of the Handbook is to prepare and guide researchers to achieve a high level of competence and sophistication, to avoid past mistakes, and to benefit from the best researchers in the field. This Handbook is also useful to university professors who conduct research and prepare student researchers in early childhood education. It aims to improve the researchers' conceptual and methodological abilities in early childhood education. Thus, the Handbook can be used as a guide that focuses on important contemporary research methodologies in early childhood education and describes them to offer researchers the necessary information to use these methodologies appropriately. This Handbook is designed to be used by students of early childhood education at all levels of professional development as well as mature scholars who want to conduct research in areas needing more in-depth study. It is hoped that this Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education will serve the needs of many in the research community. Scholars seeking the current state of research knowledge in various areas should find this volume useful. Similarly, practitioners who are trying to seek knowledge of research and its practical implications should find this volume helpful as well. This Handbook with its individual chapters presents several research methodologies to address a variety of hypotheses or research questions that will contribute to the knowledge of the field in early childhood education.
Methods in Educational Research

Methods in Educational Research

Marguerite G. Lodico | Katherine H. Voegtle | Dean T. Spaulding

Methods in Educational Research is designed to prepare students for the real world of educational research. It focuses on scientifically-based methods, school accountability, and the professional demands of the twenty-first century, empowering researchers to take an active role in conducting research in their classrooms, districts, and the greater educational community. Like the first edition, this edition helps students, educators, and researchers develop a broad and deep understanding of research methodologies. It includes substantial new content on the impact of No Child Left Behind legislation, school reform, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, logic modeling, action research, and other areas. Special features to assist the teaching and learning processes include vignettes illustrating research tied to practice, suggested readings at the end of each chapter, and discussion questions to reinforce chapter content.